Thursday, August 20, 2009


So babysitting once again but I did have a break on tuesday :) so I took my boyfriend to Demetres and Maria said it was really big desserts i thought she was over exgaerrated(ya my spelling is amazing isnt it?)..... she wasnt when she says big she really means huge!....... so ya after trecking all over china town to find this stupid dim sum resturant that was cosed ya sucks.... we went there and we didnt even finish..... huge desserts fill you up...

k so after eating we went to the feild my soccer game was at and it was pretty fun until the ride home.... so its Matt, Dave, Maria, Phil, Fernando and myself in a five seater Matt and Dave in front and the rest of us in the back... im in a dress and i had to lie across the back on the laps of my boyfriend one of my besties and Phil...

it the wasnt as bad until DUNDUNDUN Phil makes a creeper move like he did with maria.... so im lying down and my head was on the widow thing beside him and hes like "wouldnt my arm be comfier" so im like okk w.e and hes likee" anything for you.... anything" and like giving me a creeper look ya then Fernandos gave him a dirty look hahaha:)

so ya other then that cant really sit after riding a bike at like 9 am for a good hour and a half.... which i havent sone in a while but still fun lets see what these kids are made of:)

1 comment:

  1. LMFAOOO i didnt even know phil pulled that move ahahah
    meh hes just trying to be a gentleman? to make you comfy? idk ahaha!

    matt (L)

    and ya i told you demetres offers huge plates.. "when she says big, she really means huge!"

    thats what he said


    PS: you need to get off babysitting for a bit! I'm going to start working everyday again so the trio should hang out. Just sayin'
